adonai— the story of moses

Moses was summoned by God to the mission of leading his chosen people out of bondage in Egypt. Moses felt incredibly inadequate to complete this mission. Moses was an adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter who was now a disgraced, former leader because he killed an Egyptian. In Exodus 2:11-15, Moses sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moses couldn’t stand by while one of his fellow Israelites endured a beating, so he murdered the Egyptian. It is important to note that Moses identified with the people of Israel rather than his Egyptian prestige and opportunity. Because of Moses’ actions, he spent many years in exile in the desert as a shepherd.  

God had ordered Moses to act as His mouthpiece to Pharaoh, commanding him to free God’s people. However Moses, in Exodus 4:10, Moses claimed that he was not fit for that role. 

“I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue” 

Exodus 4:10

Still, as Moses speaks to God he addresses him as Adonai. He begins his claims with “Oh my Lord”. Remember Lord = Adonai. Moses acknowledging God as Adonai was the realization that as the creator and master, He owned all things and could use them in the best way he saw fit. In Adonai’s reply, he took up His ownership by saying 

“Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say”

Exodus 4:11-12 

Moses felt that he was inadequate to complete the mission God had called him to. It seemed far too big for him. Yet, Moses recognized that God was Adonai, owner of all things. Moses went on to lead God’s chosen people out of slavery in Egypt. When Moses was doubting his ability, God gave him a reality check. He reminded him who made him. He reminded him who was with him. He reminded him whose he was. 

The turning point in this story is when Moses realized that God was the owner of all things. Once Moses recognized that, he was able to cede ownership into His hands and Moses was able to lead the people out of Egypt. 

Has God called you to something and you’ve felt completely inadequate? Maybe He got the wrong person? Maybe you misheard Him? I can promise you, that if God has truly called you to something, you are the best and only person for the job!! God doesn’t make mistakes. God will equip you with what you need to take a step in obedience to Him. 

You may be uncomfortable with what Adonai is calling us to do or feel inadequate for the task at hand, BUT you have to remember that when you cede ownership into His hands, you find that Adonai is a master who in unexpected and paradoxical ways “uses earthen vessels so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves” (2 Corinthians 4:7). 

To have God as the Adonai over your life means allowing Him to use you in any way He Chooses.


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