god of provision

As a little kid, I had no doubt that my parents would provide everything I needed—food, love, comfort, hugs, kisses, a place to sleep, etc. All of these things were provided. If I was hungry and asked for food, they provided it. If I was sad and needed love, they were ready with open arms (and still are). I had complete trust in my parents, a child-like faith. I’m sure this is true for you as well. I’m not naive to know that not everyone had a childhood like mine, but we all hold some sort of child-like faith as children. As children, our relationship with God is very innocent. We hold a child-like faith in God, and his ability to provide for us. So at what point does this begin to change? At what point do we move from relying on God to provide to thinking we must provide for ourselves? 

As we grow up, life gets a little harder each year. More responsibilities added, more desires, more people expecting things of you, relying on you. It gets overwhelming. We get caught up in the constant day-to-day expectations placed on us, and we become distanced from God. Intentional or not. But when we become distant from God, we lose sight of who he is. 

When we begin to forget who the provider is, we develop a mindset that we must provide for ourselves. This mindset prevents God from providing what is best for us. Spoiler alert– God is able to provide the absolute best for us. We attempt to provide what we think is best for ourselves and a majority of the time it isn’t what's best for us. I don’t know about you but sometimes I get tired of waiting on God. I’ll be honest, I get impatient with God. As imperfect humans, we are not capable of providing what is best for us without God. 

It may be the area of your love life, waiting on the one to be provided. So you begin to go out and look for him without God. Or maybe it’s a job opportunity. Instead of running to God to provide, you take it into your own hands. It could be a new living situation, college decision, future decision, and so many other areas of your life. 

The areas we lack trust in are where our disobedience is. When we begin to lack trust in God in certain areas of our life, we take those areas into our own hands. Our disobedience stems from our unbelief. 

The God we serve is the God of provision. He is constantly providing for us. Even when you don’t see it or feel like He is. Right now, He’s providing for me and He’s providing for you. 

He is still the God of provision in the silence. 

He’s still the God of provision in a storm. 

He’s still the God of provision when it’s hard. 

He is still the God of provision when I don’t understand. 

He is a redeemer, a healer, and a savior. 

And He is doing it all for you. 


valley of dry bones


sunday is coming