
Let’s be honest: how often do you tell someone that you are more than willing to help if they ever need anything, yet you’re silently hoping they don’t ask? I’m guilty of it. Especially as a people pleaser. I tend to overcommit myself before I’ve realized I’ve over-committed myself. That’s a whole different battle in and of itself, learning to set those boundaries and keep them before they are crossed. But I wanted to talk about how often we do that with God. 

It’s super easy to be all about doing what God asks us to do until he actually asks us to do something. This is something I’ve quickly learned over the past year. Prior, I was ready and expectant to do what God was calling me to do. Then God actually asked me to do something, and all of a sudden, I was not as excited. You see, God isn’t going to ask us to do something that is within our comfort zone and easy for us. Being obedient to God is an act of faith. It forces us out of where we’re comfortable and into an uncomfortable space of growth. 

Now, God isn’t going to ask us to do something that we are not capable of doing. However, he will ask us to do things that may not make any sense, that may feel scary to do, or that may seem absolutely ridiculous. There is a purpose in uncomfortable. 

We get caught up in the now. What we don’t see now. What doesn’t make sense now. What feels scary now. But on the other side of “the now” is a place of provision. I used the scripture, Genesis 22:13-14 last week, and I want to bring it back up. The end of the scripture says this, “And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” The Lord will provide. 

He may not provide in the way you thought he was going to or how or when he was going to. In order to get to the top of the mountain, we have to walk in obedience to Him– regardless of our circumstances. Regardless of the pain, the hurt, the confusion, the frustration, the fear, and the anger. 

John 13:7 “Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” 

We won’t always understand what God is doing. But we have to posture our hearts in a way that not only says we are willing to do what he asks of us but also shows that we are willing to do what he asks of us. 

I’m living in answered prayers right now. But in order to get to where I am now, I had to remain obedient to what God was asking me to do. It didn’t just happen overnight and I didn’t put God on a timeline. In fact, the answers to my prayers came when I least expected them to. It took patience, discipline, and being obedient to God even if I couldn’t understand why. This blog is an act of obedience. Never in a million years did I think I’d enjoy writing. But because I was obedient to God, He’s given me the wisdom and joy to write a new blog week after week. All for His glory. 

Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”


purpose in your placement


in the silence