pour it out

I’ve quickly learned that the healing process is not a simple process. I thought that you put in the work for so long and then you're done, just like that. Except it’s not ‘just like that’. At all. I’ve discovered that I have to put in the work to heal from past hurts. I’ve also learned, I most certainly cannot do this alone, I need God. 

I do this thing where I convince myself that I’m fine, that I’ve completely moved on. I will downplay my hurt. When I do this, I’ve convinced myself that I’ve moved on and have gotten past the hurt. Then some silly circumstance comes along and I quickly realize that the hurt is very much still there. 

I had that moment this week. I was on the phone with my dad this week. Mid-breakdown might I add. (FYI my dad is the best there is.) Anyways, I was voicing all of the issues and reasons why I was feeling the way I was. I was frustrated, hurt, angry, and confused. Mid-rant, he stopped me and told me I needed to stop and trust God. He went on to give me this illustration, which at that moment I thought was a bit ridiculous. He said that we have two feet for a reason. Our feet provide us with the means to take steps. So, our first step is where we make the decision to trust God with our whole heart. Our next step is physically taking the step. 

For me, this meant I had to first, surrender my worries and frustrations to God. I had to make the decision that I was going to trust God to handle my worries. Then, I had to get up and continue on with my day believing God had it under control. 

Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times, o people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.”

God is inviting us to pour out our sorrows, joys, trusts, & doubts before him. He is actively waiting for us to invite him into our healing process. We can never experience the fullness of true healing until we invite God into the process. As Psalm 62:8 says, he is our refuge. Refuge means the condition of being safe or protected from danger. So to seek refuge in God means to be protected by God. 

I encourage you to pour your heart out to God. Lay all your troubles on him, he’s urging you to do so. Give him your heart. If I’m completely vulnerable, I’ve had moments where I’ve just sat and cried out to God, literally. Hurt is a hard thing to get rid of. It seeps into every area of your life. Hurt has tried to take away from my relationship with God, it created distrust in myself, it's robbed me of opportunities, and it's taken a lot of other things from me. The hurts you’ve experienced are valid, I don’t want you to think I’m saying they aren’t. However, I’ve learned that the reason these hurts have been able to take so much from me is that I quit putting my trust in God. I was so consumed with the pain that I lost sight of the one who really matters. God. 

I know I’ve talked a lot about faith and trust, but it’s because I’ve learned just how imperative they are to our walk with the Lord. Without them, we lose sight of the path the Lord is setting out for us to follow. I want you to know, God is worthy of our praise AT ALL times. No matter the pain we are feeling. No matter the disappointments we are facing. He is worthy of our praise.


refiner’s fire


the battle of time