rest for the weary

Life lately has been nonstop—a constant go and always something to be done. Don’t get me wrong I am so thankful for the business and opportunities I’ve been given, but finding rest seems impossible. I’ve constantly been exhausted which has resulted in laziness, feelings of anxiety, and being overwhelmed… yikes. I finally got to the point where I knew a change had to be made. So I started going to bed earlier. Makes sense right? More sleep = less tired. Except I still felt extreme exhaustion. Why? I finally took a step back to evaluate the cause and I quickly realized in the chaos of the business, I quit resting in the Father. My priorities were out of order. 

I’ve spent so much time just trying to tick off the things on my to-do list because then I’ll feel better. I was taking naps to feel more rested. I turned down invitations from friends to hang out because I was too exhausted. Constantly wondered why I couldn’t feel more rested. Gaining rest is more than just getting more sleep. Don’t get me wrong, that’s important too but resting in the Father is where we find true and lasting rest. 

Have you ever seen a young child absolutely losing it, but then their father comes along to sweep them up into their arms and the young child falls asleep? It’s a picture of us running to the Father and finding rest in His arms. A comfort and rest that we won’t find anywhere else. 

Matthew 11:28 Jesus is inviting us to come to him for rest. He says “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He is calling us to come to Him to relieve our needs instead of living in self-sufficiency. 

In Exodus 33, God answers Moses’ prayer about the Promised Land saying “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14). God answers Moses' prayer by confirming that He will be with him and His presence will give him rest. For Moses to receive this rest, he had to draw near to God and His presence. The presence of God means rest. 

Rest is so important that on the seventh day, God rested. The creator of the universe took a moment to rest. To the person who feels like they don’t have time to rest, you do. Make it a priority. Take a break and rest in God’s presence. In Mark 4, Jesus rested despite the storm raging around him. 

God is reaching out ready to hold you in His arms and give you the rest you desire. Restfulness that cannot be obtained by sleeping– a true and fulfilling rest. This requires you to draw near to God. Spending time in his presence. This could look like time in His word, time spent worshipping him, praying and talking to Him, or spending time with friends who push you closer to him. 

I understand the feeling of feeling like there is no time to rest. Feeling like the to-do list has to be finished before we can rest in the presence of the Lord. But we’ve got it all wrong. Finding rest in the Lord should be our first priority and everything else comes after. Let Him give you rest. Our hearts are longing for His presence. 

He’s inviting you to take a seat at the table with him. A seat right beside The King. To calm the fierce questions that rage in our hearts. To get rid of the anxiety and insecurities. Lean in. Accept the invitation. Take a seat at the table. 

“This one thing I have discovered 

Sitting with the King was all the nourishment 

My heart ever required.”

“The Table” Yaz Williams


it’s your choice

