showing up

I’ll be honest– this week got away and I’m just sitting down to write this at 9 p.m. on Friday. I have no inspiration for a post, and frankly feeling very unmotivated. I debated not even making a blog post. Part of me is telling myself that I’m not gonna have anything worthy enough to put into a blog post.

When I started my blog, I met with a couple of people who had started a blog or who I knew would pour into me. One of my mentors asked me how often I planned to post. Thinking I had a good answer, I confidently said once a month. She simply looked at me and asked if she could give me advice. She asked me how I expected to get good at something if I only did it 12 times a year. She encouraged me to post once a week. Her advice hit me like a ton of bricks. So I decided I would take on the task and post once a week. 

Complete vulnerability here, I sit here tonight forcing myself to write this post. As I write though, I am reminded of the importance of my consistency. The importance of my showing up week after week to glorify God on this platform He’s given me. I have to make the decision to put aside the busyness of my week and all of the other responsibilities I have and show up for God because He’s ALWAYS shown up for me. 

If this blog has taught me one thing, it’s taught me that discipline and consistency MATTER. No one is forcing me to write. I could’ve easily decided not to have a post go up today and blamed it on my busyness (which I was 2 seconds away from doing). But I sit here now, writing this, thankful for the constant stretching and growth this blog brings. This blog has been a pillar of strength in my walk with God. It’s taught me more than I could’ve ever imagined. 

The takeaway from this is that diligence creates consistency, and consistency fosters discipline. You may not always feel like showing up, but that’s when you need to show up the most. There’s always going to be an excuse or excuses. There’s always going to be other tasks to complete. But showing up for God is the BEST thing you can do.


habakkuk pt.1


the doubt of worry