walking in the same way as He walked!

the fall of jericho
There are walls in your life that God has promised into your hand and you may be frustrated because it hasn’t been placed in your hand. You have to believe that because God has promised it to you, He will give it to you. It requires a tremendous act of faith and endurance. I’m sure the people walking around Jericho were exhausted, but because they had great faith in God, they continued to put one foot in front of the other until it was time for the wall to fall. Are you relying solely on God?

Godly wisdom has to be the foundation of your life. We’re called to build our house on a strong foundation. That begins with wisdom.

firm foundation
I don’t know about you, but I want my life to be built on a firm foundation. I want to cultivate a heart that loves wisdom. I want to be a fountain of life for others to see God’s greatness. A friend who brings life to their friends. A daughter and a sister who brings life to her family. One day, a wife who brings life to her home. And a friend who exemplifies the glory of God to strangers. So what is the foundation of your life built on