the search

I’ve got a short one for you this week. It’s a simple, yet important reminder of the love that God has for us. One that I realized, I so desperately needed.

Last week, as I was leaving a plaza, there was a homeless man sitting there. His sign simply said, “homeless”. My heart breaks to see something like that. I’ll say a quick prayer for them, but I don’t normally ever stop. However, as I drove past the man, I clearly felt God telling me to stop and help him. I ran into Walgreens and grabbed a gift card, water, and a card to write for him. 

I quickly went back over to where he was and can you guess what? He. Was. Gone. I was in disbelief. Why had God told me to help this man only for him to be gone when I got back? I was determined to find him. I told God since He told me to help this man, he needed to help me find him. (LOL)

I drove all over that parking lot. Looking everywhere. I looked in every crevice, every corner, every parking lot in that plaza. Yet, still had no luck. I was confused, and frankly a bit frustrated about it. I decided after about 20 minutes of circling the parking lot, with no luck, I decided it was time to head home. Not even 2 minutes after I had started driving home, I clearly heard the lord tell me to “turn around”. So, I begrudgingly turned around. Got back. The guy still wasn’t there.

I had seen a homeless woman earlier in the parking lot and decided to give the items to her instead. As I went to leave, I went out the same way I had the very first time, and low and behold, there he was. Back in his spot. (you have to believe God has a sense of humor LOL) I ran back to Walgreens grabbed the same things and ran back to give them to him. 

Now I had expected this big, beautiful moment where he cried and I cried too. But that’s not what happened. He was thankful, I prayed for him and we went our separate ways. That’s it. No special moment.

As I began to drive home, I realized God didn’t tell me to do that only to help the homeless man. It was an illustration of God’s love for me. I had searched high and low for that man. I’m telling you, I looked every where for him. Imagine how much harder God is reaching out and searching for me and you. And God knows our mistakes, our sins, our dirty secrets. He knows them all, yet he still seeks us out harder than I did for that man.

This week's blog is short and simple, yet it holds a reminder that many of us forget so easily. I felt God showing me that how hard I had searched for that man, didn’t even compare to how God seeks you and me out, daily. 

So remember– God loves me and you more than we will ever be able to comprehend. He’s seeking you out, waiting for you to go back to him, your first love.


love… again


refiner’s fire