walking in the same way as He walked!
fierce love
God's love is not passive or timid; it’s fierce and unyielding. It’s a love that pursues you and I relentlessly. His love refuses to let us go even in our darkest moments.
the unity between
Jesus is facing his crucifixion and prays to God surrendering himself to him. He cultivates a unity between his heart and his mind that aligns with the purpose of God.
whole heart
They had their own passion for the Lord but without the accurate knowledge of the righteousness of God, they ended up not being able to correctly submit to God.
willing mind
When you focus on laws and logic, you become legalistic. When you become legalistic, you become religious. Your relationship with God moves from a relationship with God to a religion with laws.
the war in between
The heart can mislead when not connected to the mind and the mind can mislead when not connected to the heart.
ruth- a story of redemption & faith
Through Ruth’s faith, God was able to provide so much for Ruth and Naomi. Ruth had no reason to believe she had earned anything but believed God was everything she needed.