all leaves, no fruit

Are you ever scrolling on social media looking at pictures of people living their best lives? Pictures of their travels or their newest purchase. Then there are the stories. Stories that make their day-to-day life look glorious, always. Now, I’m not hating on these people. I love to post on social media myself. But from an outsider's perspective, it may look like they have their life all together. Again, not hating on anyone. However, this so often sends us into a spiral of comparison. Social media doesn’t give the complete picture. It’s often false advertising. 

Matthew 21:18-22 tells the story of one of the few times Jesus performed a destructive miracle. One morning Jesus was hungry, so naturally he approached a fig tree with leaves on it. Plot twist– the tree had no figs. Now, I’m not much of a gardener (really not even close to being one) so I didn’t understand the significance of the fig tree having leaves, yet no figs. If a fig tree has leaves on it, it will have figs. If a fig tree has no leaves, it will have no figs. This fig tree was a picture of false advertising. This was unusual for fig trees. So, Jesus cursed the fig tree. 

The significance of this is the example it creates. God’s disapproval of those who are all leaves, and no fruit. I’m guilty of this. To an outsider, I may appear as though I am producing fruit and living out every part of my life for God. If I’m honest, there are times when this isn’t the case. I may appear as though I have leaves, yet if you take a closer look, I’m not producing any fruit. 

There will be seasons where you struggle, we’re all human. God doesn’t expect perfection, just participation. By that, I mean aligning with God’s heart. Striving for our actions to produce fruit that lines up with God’s heart. The curse on the fig tree was a miracle that was the result of a prayer made in faith. Jesus encouraged his disciples to have that kind of faith. Trusting that God would hear them just as he heard Jesus. 

In the story, the promise of God’s answer to the prayer of faith was made directly to the disciples. This speaks to the people who are following Jesus. Jesus told His disciples that if they “have faith and do not doubt” not only would they be able to do the same to the fig tree, but they could also tell a mountain to move and it would. 

The core of this story is simple. What counts is not our own promise, but our performance. Living out the word of God every day. Not just appearing to produce fruit with leaves, but actually producing fruit. How do you produce fruit? Having faith no matter the circumstance or outcome. Walking, speaking, and acting in complete faith and trust in God. When you begin to walk faithfully with God, you begin to produce a multitude of fruit. 

God made a way for anyone to come follow him. If you’re not sure how & want to know how contact me. It would be my absolute pleasure to spend time talking with you. You truly are so loved by God, and he wants you to live a beautiful life producing fruit for His glory. 

“And when the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, “How did the fig tree wither away so soon?” So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Matthew 21:20-22


the fall of jericho


the curse of laziness