walking in the same way as He walked!

purpose in your placement
payton williams payton williams

purpose in your placement

Wherever you are right now, you aren’t there by accident. There is a purpose in your placement. God may feel far away or maybe even non-existent, but I can promise you He is right with you. God used Mordecai and Esther to save all of the Jewish people (spoiler alert), yet Esther and Mordecai were not perfect people.

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all leaves, no fruit
payton williams payton williams

all leaves, no fruit

The significance of this is the example it creates. God’s disapproval of those who are all leaves, and no fruit. I’m guilty of this. To an outsider, I may appear as though I am producing fruit and living out every part of my life for God. If I’m honest, there are times when this isn’t the case. I may appear as though I have leaves, yet if you take a closer look, I’m not producing any fruit.

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the curse of laziness
payton williams payton williams

the curse of laziness

I think laziness seeps into a lot of different areas of our lives, not just school. It can affect relationships, mental health, physical health, cleanliness, and so many other areas. The devil uses laziness to keep us from our God-given potential. Laziness robs us of our potential.

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something different
payton williams payton williams

something different

This week I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to share some verses that I have leaned into throughout different seasons of my life. I’ve learned that relying wholeheartedly on scripture and God's words is the most important and best thing we can do.

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beautiful surrender
payton williams payton williams

beautiful surrender

Have you ever felt like God has given up on you? Have you ever felt like God has given you a promise and then never delivered it? I’ll be completely transparent– I have. In fact, it's been recent.

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