great shepherd

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” 

John 10:10-11

You know the saying he leaves the 99 to find the 1? For the longest time, I didn’t understand it. I thought it made no sense and, honestly, thought it was kinda weird. But it’s not weird at all. In fact, it’s actually very beautiful. In John 10, Jesus uses an illustration of being a shepherd, and being a good one, to show the weight of his love for us. 

Jesus fulfills the ideal of shepherd-like care for the people of God. A good shepherd is willing to lay down his life for his sheep. Jesus quite literally laid down his life for you and me, his sheep. I’ve said it so many times before, but it is the ultimate act of love. 

John 10 provides a comparison of a shepherd to a hired hand. A hired hand sees a wolf coming, they do not own the sheep so they leave the sheep. The hired hand cares nothing for the sheep. The shepherd sees the wolf coming and protects the sheep. The good shepherd knows his sheep and cares for them, he is able to pick them out. Jesus is our shepherd. He knows you intimately. He loves you deeply. So often we have our heads in the grass so focused on eating and fulfilling our own needs that we get separated from Jesus. If that’s the case for you, he will leave the 99 to find the 1 (you). He is actively searching for you. You (or anyone else) are never too far gone. 

Jesus is the great shepherd because he is able to lead us better than anyone or anything else. He knows our heart's innermost desires, what we want, what we need, what’s best for us, and provides what we need WHEN we need it. 

John 10 outlines seven reasons for what it means for Jesus to be our shepherd. 

Christ has received us as a gift from the Father (John 10:29)

Christ knows you completely (John 10:14-15)

Christ gave himself for you (John 10:11,15)

Christ called you and brought you to Himself (John 10:16)

Christ will never abandon you (John 10:14, 27)

Christ provides eternal life (John 10:28)

Christ protects and will keep you forever (John 10:28-29)

In order for Christ to be and do these things for us, we have to let him. We have to give him the invitation into our hearts. We have free will. We can choose to follow the shepherd (Jesus) or not. We actively make the choice to lift our eyes from the grass and look at him. Focusing on Him rather than keeping our heads in the grass. 

Verse 16 says “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” I think this is so powerful. Jesus is declaring that the people who are not currently in His flock will be. He loves you and me so dearly that he is actively searching for a relationship with us and those around us. 

We have the ability to be that light. To be the example of what it means to allow Jesus to be the great shepherd of our life. It’s our duty to be that example, but not our duty to be their salvation. That’s between them and God. But how amazing is it that we get the ability to show the characteristics of Jesus through our words and actions?

Are you letting Christ be the great shepherd of your life or is your head stuck in the grass? 


the doubt of worry


the weight of the cross