the weight of the cross

If you really read into the crucifixion of Jesus, the details are bone-chilling. It’s intense. Jesus Christ experienced hours of intense pain. He was beaten close to near death. He was mocked. He was forced to carry the cross to which he would be nailed while those he walked by yelled harsh things at him. He was drowning in His own blood and air. All for the sins of you and me. 

The Romans used a whip to torture Jesus. This whip was made of leather throngs of various lengths that were interwoven with various lengths of sharp bone and lead. With every slash of that whip, Jesus’ back was ripped to shreds. They whipped Jesus so many times that they had to stop because if they continued once more, He would have died right there. 

Then a crown of thorns was shoved onto His head. This cause even more pain, blood loss, and dehydration. The Romans then began to spit on Jesus and beat him further. All of this is before Jesus was even nailed to the cross. 

After having to drag himself and the cross to the crucifixion site, Jesus Christ endured even more agonizing pain. He had long metal nails pounded into his wrists and feet. His feet were nailed in such an unnatural position that it caused even more pain to occur. Because of the way his wrists and arms were positioned, it made it impossible for Him to breathe out. Meaning he was drowning as his lungs filled up with blood and air. In order to take a breath out, He had to pull himself up by His nailed hands and feet. 

In the midst of all the immense pain that Jesus Christ was feeling, he called out to God. He yelled “Eli, Eli, lema Sabachthani?’ That translates to “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Jesus Christ was sent down to earth by His Father for this very moment. Meaning Jesus was human. He felt all the pain that you and I feel. I think sometimes we forget that Jesus wasn’t some superhuman who didn't feel pain. The pain that he felt would be no different from the pain that you and I would’ve felt had that been us up on the cross. 

If that doesn’t give you chills, I don’t know what will. It brings tears to my eyes to think of the amount of love God has for us to send His only son down to earth to die for my sins. It brings tears to my eyes to think about the amount of love Jesus Christ has for us to endure the excruciating amount of pain for sins he never committed. The ultimate sacrifice. 

Let the weight of the cross sink in. He gave His life so that we might live. I should be drowning in my sin, yet I stand here today forgiven. The crucifixion is the greatest act of love history has ever seen. Your sins are forgiven. Your greatest debts have been paid. Because of a God who loves so great we can’t comprehend it. 

Lord, let my life be a grateful chorus. Resurrection was your mission. You are resurrecting now- all that’s dead and all that’s broken. You are not buried in the ground. You are a love that won’t let go. Lord, be the anthem of my soul for you bore the weight of the cross so that I didn't have to.


great shepherd


living water