living water

Growing up in church, I always knew who Jesus was. I had been taught about who He was from the very beginning. But as I’ve grown in my faith, I’ve had to discover who Jesus really was for myself. It’s been a large growing point in my faith. Learning who Jesus really is on my own. Reading scriptures and stories that so beautifully encapsulate who He is.  So the past few months, I’ve really made the effort to do a deep dive into what the Bible says about Him. 

Recently, I started reading through John. FYI John is a great place to start if you want to learn about who Jesus is. It tells the story of Jesus’ time on Earth and the miracles He performed. The book of John shows seven miracles and seven “I am” statements. Each of the seven miracles and I am statements speak directly to who Jesus is and His father who sent him down from heaven. 

Last week, I wrote about one of the seven miracles in John. The miracle of the man born blind that Jesus healed by spitting in mud and wiping it on his eyes then telling him to wash it off. It is amazing how He healed the man by simply wiping mud on the man’s eyes. It shows the power of Jesus. A common theme I’ve seen in John is eternal life. 

Jesus spent His time on earth sharing the good news. Many times he explained to those around him that whoever drank the water that He gives, will not thirst again (John 4:13-14). That he can provide living water to those who came to him. The entire verse of John 4:13-14 is really important to understand the significance of Jesus giving living water. 

“Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:13-14

“This water” that Jesus talks about at the beginning of the scripture is the things of this world that we so often run to. It could be social media, the gym, acceptance from others, how much money we can make, and so many other things. While these things are not sins themselves when we turn to them before God, we are placing them above God and that’s where they become sinful. 

We often run to these things to attempt to fill the emptiness in our lives. However, if we are running to these things, we are going to constantly have to go back to them for more. And they may fill the hole for a moment but they leave us with an even bigger hole. 

Instead, turning to Jesus and His character gives you and me lasting satisfaction. (I plan on discussing more on what I’ve learned about His character in the next few weeks.) Thirst in that scripture is a picture of our spiritual need and longing. We need water to live, we simply could not live without water, and often times we crave water (all my dehydrated people, I’m looking at you. Because I’m one of you.) 

My encouragement to you this week is to dig into who Jesus is. Reignite your love and passion for Him. Because the water that He will give you will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:14b). Run to the supplier of living water. Seek the everlasting fulfillment that He provides. Because I pinky promise that no one and nothing can give you what He can give you– eternal life.


the weight of the cross


season of unknowns