season of unknowns

I’ve been reading through the Book of John and there are so many examples of people not believing that Jesus was Christ. Even after the miracles he was performing. Reading through these stories it blows my mind that Jesus turned water into wine, healed an officials son, spoke healing upon a paralyzed man, turned 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish into food for 5,000, heal and man born blind, and so much more and people still not believe He was the Son of God. Yet I wonder how many times I’ve doubted Jesus’ ability to provide when he’s been so faithful to me. 

The story of Jesus healing the blind man is one that really baffled me. It baffled me because Jesus performed this amazing miracle and many people saw it, yet they all still doubted who Jesus was. Jesus healed this blind man by spitting on the ground to make mud and then rubbing the mud over the man’s eyes. Jesus then in John 9:7 instructed the man to go and wash off the mud in the pool of Siloam. When the man came back, he had been healed! He could see!! This gives me chills. An act as simple (and bizarre) as rubbing mud on a man’s eyes gave him sight for the first time. This was literally only possible because Jesus was the perfect Son of God. 

Unfortunately, this miracle was not enough to prove that Jesus was the real deal. See, He performed this miracle on the Sabbath. Which meant a day of rest and therefore should have been no work being done. The Pharisees immediately discredited the work of Jesus because He performed the miracle on the Sabbath. In John 9:16 they literally stated that He was not from God because He did not keep the Sabbath. They were so stuck in their lawful ways that they could not see the full weight of the miracle Jesus had performed. Their religion prevented them from believing. 

How often do we slip into a mindset of what God can do for us? I’ll admit I’m guilty of asking God for what I want more often than praising him for what he’s already given me. I’m in a season where I’m constantly in transition. A season where I’ve had to repeat to myself over and over again that He is the God of provision and he is working things for my good. I didn’t know it was possible to feel so blessed and thankful for the answered prayers He’s given you, yet also feel as though you’re struggling everywhere else. It’s so important to not forget the miracles He’s already done in your life. 

I’ve gone a little off track here, but that’s how God works sometimes. I’ve had so many people tell me to take a moment and realize that I am in the midst of what I had been praying for, for so long, yet here I am focused on what isn’t going right. Don’t be so stuck on what you think God needs to do right now, that you lose sight of who He really is. He will provide, He is the ultimate provider. And I know it’s way easier said than done, but have faith in His plan. Even, and especially when, it’s not going how you thought it would go.  

In moments of uncertainty and frustration, it may sound cliché but believe in the power and provision of God and worship him. Worship him even for the things you don’t yet have. 

“He said “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.”

John 9:38


living water


plead the blood