walking in the same way as He walked!

the curse of laziness
payton williams payton williams

the curse of laziness

I think laziness seeps into a lot of different areas of our lives, not just school. It can affect relationships, mental health, physical health, cleanliness, and so many other areas. The devil uses laziness to keep us from our God-given potential. Laziness robs us of our potential.

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payton williams payton williams


Godly wisdom has to be the foundation of your life. We’re called to build our house on a strong foundation. That begins with wisdom.

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firm foundation
payton williams payton williams

firm foundation

I don’t know about you, but I want my life to be built on a firm foundation. I want to cultivate a heart that loves wisdom. I want to be a fountain of life for others to see God’s greatness. A friend who brings life to their friends. A daughter and a sister who brings life to her family. One day, a wife who brings life to her home. And a friend who exemplifies the glory of God to strangers. So what is the foundation of your life built on

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past, present, & future
payton williams payton williams

past, present, & future

It’s not easy. It’s painful and messy. But we serve a God who can move mountains, can bring the dead back to life, and feed 5,000 people from five loaves of bread and two fish. There’s nothing He can’t do. Don’t let the past dictate your future. You serve a faithful God, who can turn any situation for good.

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something different
payton williams payton williams

something different

This week I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to share some verses that I have leaned into throughout different seasons of my life. I’ve learned that relying wholeheartedly on scripture and God's words is the most important and best thing we can do.

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valley of dry bones
payton williams payton williams

valley of dry bones

The vision Ezekiel saw was a valley dense with dry bones. The lives that the bones represented were not only dead but disgraced. In ancient Isreal, an unburied corpse with exposed remains was a shocking disgrace to the dead. Sounds intense, right?

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