walking in the same way as He walked!

payton williams payton williams


We need to be bathed by our trust in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross; there’s a sense in which that is done once and for all. But afterward, we have to continually have our feet washed in an ongoing relationship with and trust in Jesus.

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payton williams payton williams


Are you following God because you feel that you have to? Or are you following God because you love him, so it is in your heart's desire to follow him? Our heart’s desires must align with God’s desires, and to do that we have to abide in Him.

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habakkuk pt.3
payton williams payton williams

habakkuk pt.3

Habakkuk showed the proper response of a man under the sovereign power of God. He recognized his own weakness and low standing before God. Habakkuk could rejoice in the Lord because he was unchanging.

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habakkuk pt. 2
payton williams payton williams

habakkuk pt. 2

It was important that Habakkuk obeyed God and wrote it down and made it clear for others to read as it gave those who read it a warning. God is saying “Hey, these things displease me. Here’s your chance to fix it.”

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habakkuk pt.1
payton williams payton williams

habakkuk pt.1

Habakkuk asked important questions, yet he asked them willing to wait for God’s reply. So often we question God and expect an immediate answer or fix to our problem. We go to Him with the mindset of “What can he do for me?” Not only do we expect an answer, but quite frankly, we demand an answer.

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showing up
payton williams payton williams

showing up

I’ll be honest– this week got away and I’m just sitting down to write this at 9 p.m. on Friday. I have no inspiration for a post, and frankly feeling very unmotivated.

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