walking in the same way as He walked!

brokenness to purpose
payton williams payton williams

brokenness to purpose

Ephesians 2:1-10 starts with our brokenness and ends with our purpose. It’s a reminder that no matter where we've been or what we've done, God's grace is always available to us. And with that grace comes a new identity and a calling to make a difference.

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implications of His grace
payton williams payton williams

implications of His grace

Ephesians 1:15-23 lays a foundational understanding that is crucial for seeing the profound implications of God’s grace. These verses serve as an introduction to the themes Paul will expand upon in the latter chapters.

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grace & redemption
payton williams payton williams

grace & redemption

Paul writes about the redemption through Christ’s blood. It’s only in him that we have redemption. There is no possible redemption outside of Jesus and His redeeming blood.

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his mercy is more
payton williams payton williams

his mercy is more

Both you and I are going to fall short, we’re going to sin, we’re going to mess up, but the beauty of it is that even in our brokenness, God's mercy is infinitely greater.

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dying is gain
payton williams payton williams

dying is gain

Paul's words illustrate a deep understanding of what does looks like when we are saved—that our lives are ultimately anchored in Christ, and death, rather than being an end, marks the beginning of an eternal journey.

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you’re not enough
payton williams payton williams

you’re not enough

We’re not called to be perfect. God recognizes that we are incapable of being perfect.

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