walking in the same way as He walked!

love… again
Choosing to love God with our whole hearts is the best decision we could ever make. It’s not always easy, and there are times when it feels impossible. But it’s not impossible. And when we feel as though we can’t love God, He continues to love us unconditionally– without conditions– no matter what.

the search
This week's blog is short and simple, yet it holds a reminder that many of us forget so easily. I felt God showing me that how hard I searched for that man, doesn’t even come close to how God seeks you and me out, daily.

refiner’s fire
Giving God complete surrender of your life means complete surrender of your heart, and with surrender comes the removal of the world’s impurities and unwanted elements– refinement.

pour it out
He is actively waiting for us to invite him into our healing process. We can never experience the fullness of true healing until we invite God into the process.

the battle of time
Do you ever feel like you are in a constant battle for your attention and time? There’s work, school, family, friends, the gym, and on top of it all you are trying to spend time with God. As time goes on I’ve noticed this has only gotten harder.

messy forgiveness
Forgiveness is a bold declaration of love for God. When we choose to forgive those who have hurt us, we are choosing God and his love.