walking in the same way as He walked!

habakkuk pt. 2
payton williams payton williams

habakkuk pt. 2

It was important that Habakkuk obeyed God and wrote it down and made it clear for others to read as it gave those who read it a warning. God is saying “Hey, these things displease me. Here’s your chance to fix it.”

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habakkuk pt.1
payton williams payton williams

habakkuk pt.1

Habakkuk asked important questions, yet he asked them willing to wait for God’s reply. So often we question God and expect an immediate answer or fix to our problem. We go to Him with the mindset of “What can he do for me?” Not only do we expect an answer, but quite frankly, we demand an answer.

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showing up
payton williams payton williams

showing up

I’ll be honest– this week got away and I’m just sitting down to write this at 9 p.m. on Friday. I have no inspiration for a post, and frankly feeling very unmotivated.

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the doubt of worry
payton williams payton williams

the doubt of worry

So often we are sent into a frenzy of worry when we aren’t sure of the next steps. Instead of focusing on what God can do, we focus on what we can’t do.

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great shepherd
payton williams payton williams

great shepherd

Are you letting Christ be the great shepherd of your life or is your head stuck in the grass?

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the weight of the cross
payton williams payton williams

the weight of the cross

Let the weight of the cross sink in. He gave His life so that we might live. I should be drowning in my sin, yet I stand here today forgiven. The crucifixion is the greatest act of love history has ever seen. Your sins are forgiven. Your greatest debts have been paid. Because of a God who loves so great we can’t comprehend it.

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