walking in the same way as He walked!

his mercy is more
payton williams payton williams

his mercy is more

Both you and I are going to fall short, we’re going to sin, we’re going to mess up, but the beauty of it is that even in our brokenness, God's mercy is infinitely greater.

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dying is gain
payton williams payton williams

dying is gain

Paul's words illustrate a deep understanding of what does looks like when we are saved—that our lives are ultimately anchored in Christ, and death, rather than being an end, marks the beginning of an eternal journey.

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you’re not enough
payton williams payton williams

you’re not enough

We’re not called to be perfect. God recognizes that we are incapable of being perfect.

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on time god
payton williams payton williams

on time god

Living life on God's time means embracing the present moment and finding joy in the present. In a culture that values busyness and productivity, it can be tempting to measure our worth by our accomplishments and achievements. But as followers of Christ, we're called to a different standard.

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fierce love
payton williams payton williams

fierce love

God's love is not passive or timid; it’s fierce and unyielding. It’s a love that pursues you and I relentlessly. His love refuses to let us go even in our darkest moments.

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the unity between
payton williams payton williams

the unity between

Jesus is facing his crucifixion and prays to God surrendering himself to him. He cultivates a unity between his heart and his mind that aligns with the purpose of God.

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