walking in the same way as He walked!

pour it out
payton williams payton williams

pour it out

He is actively waiting for us to invite him into our healing process. We can never experience the fullness of true healing until we invite God into the process.

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the battle of time
payton williams payton williams

the battle of time

Do you ever feel like you are in a constant battle for your attention and time? There’s work, school, family, friends, the gym, and on top of it all you are trying to spend time with God. As time goes on I’ve noticed this has only gotten harder.

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messy forgiveness
payton williams payton williams

messy forgiveness

Forgiveness is a bold declaration of love for God. When we choose to forgive those who have hurt us, we are choosing God and his love.

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beautiful surrender
payton williams payton williams

beautiful surrender

Have you ever felt like God has given up on you? Have you ever felt like God has given you a promise and then never delivered it? I’ll be completely transparent– I have. In fact, it's been recent.

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